CBMI2023 publishes proceedings via ACM ICPS, using the TAPS workflow.
When you prepare your camera-ready paper, please
- address the comments by the reviewers to improve your paper
- make sure the paper adheres to the ACM template: see details for papers prepared using Word and LaTeX
- make sure the paper does not exceed the page limit for the respective type of paper (see Here). Note: if your presentation has been accepted as a poster presentation, the length depends on whether it was initially submitted as a long or short paper. Long papers accepted as posters remain long papers.
- select the ACM CCS concepts and include the generated text/code in your paper
- the copyright block for the paper to be included will be generated as part of the rights management process (see below)
The workflow to submit your camera paper is as follows:
- You upload your revised paper to Microsoft CMT in order to check the revision. The deadline for submission of the revised version is July 7, 2023.
- You will later receive a request from ACM to complete the rights form. This includes selection between the options for author rights offered by ACM.
- Once all information is there, you will receive a request to upload the final files to ACM as a ZIP file containing a “source” folder with your Word document or the LaTeX sources/images, and a “pdf” folder with the generated PDF. See these instructions for more details (e.g., naming conventions).